Monday, April 27, 2009

Make it enjoyable!

Eating healthy doesn’t have to feel like a punishment. In fact, you may be surprised how much you enjoy certain “healthy” foods once you branch out and incorporate them. Experimenting is the name of the game. Try something from the “light” or “healthy” menu next time you go to a restaurant or buy a new fruit or vegetable to take home and experiment with. It’s OK not to like certain things. Just don’t let that deter you from continuing to try other new things. You can find a recipe for just about anything online. Open yourself up to trying out new foods. It will help you get out of an unhealthy food rut, especially if you’re stuck on the same junky fast foods all the time.

Siri Khalsa-Zemel, MS,RD,LDN
Women’s Way Weight Management Coaching

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