Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What you need and why you need it!

-Fiber - lowers the level of bad cholesterol and can help reduce hunger.
-Protein - essential for building muscle.
-Fats (Omega 3) - reduces inflammation and may help skin look younger.
-Carbohydrates - gives all cells in your body the energy they need.
-Water - supports and maintains body functions, and body temperature.

-Vitamin A - essential for healthy skin, eyesight, and fighting infections.
-Vitamin C - promotes collagen formation, immune function, and wound healing.
-Vitamin E - may slow aging process and help bolster the immune system.
-Vitamin D - essential for bone density and nervous system function.
-Vitamin K - essential for blood clotting and can help maintain bone density.
-Vitamin B Complex - boosts metabolism and helps repair DNA.
-Biotin - helps with carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism.
-Folate - helps prevent birth defects and heart disease.

-Calcium - essential for bone strength and metabolism.
-Iron - helps oxygenate blood and supports reproduction.
-Copper - helps with red blood cell formation.
-Manganese - promotes bone density and healing process.
-Potassium - helps control blood pressure.
-Magnesium - essential for bone health, may reduce risk of heart disease.
-Selenium - antioxidant, antiviral, regulates thyroid, promotes prostate health.
-Chromium - essential for glucose metabolism and muscle function.
-Zinc - boosts immune system and may reduce duration of cold symptoms.


-Alpha-carotene - may protect against lung cancer and lower risk of heart disease.
-Beta-carotene - promotes healthy eyes, may help prevent lung cancer, heart disease and stroke.
-Lutein/Zeaxanthin - promotes eye health.
-Lycopene - destroys harmful free radicals and may lower risk of prostate cancer.
-Resveratrol/Pterostilbene - promotes heart health and raises levels of good (HDL) cholesterol.
-Phenolic acid (Ellagic acid) - combats free radical damage, which is linked to cancer and aging.
-Catechins (ECG) - helps neutralize free radicals and may help prevent the spread of cancer cells.
-Flavonols (Quercetin) - may help fight Alzheimer's disease by protecting brain cells.
-Bromelain - mild anti-inflammatory effect, may help rheumatoid arthritis.

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