Friday, October 2, 2009

Getting and Staying Motivated

There is no shortage of excuses for not exercising. "Not enough time." "Too tired." "Not feeling well." "Other plans." Sometimes, even something like "It's Tuesday," seems like a legitimate reason not to exercise. So what can you do to guard against this resistance?

- Start and progress slowly
- Set realistic goals and the amount of time it will take to reach them
- Establish a routine
- Talk to a trainer to help create the best routine for you
- To combat boredom, try different types of exercises
- Rely less on your scale and more on how you are feeling to evaluate your progress
- Keep yourself entertained by listening to music, watching TV or reading while working out
- Work out with a buddy
- Allow yourself to skip a day without feeling guilty (just do not skip too many days)
- Affirm your efforts and reward yourself
- Have fun

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