Monday, October 5, 2009

Strength Training

When you think of strength training, you may visualize a man with "Popeye" type strength and bulging muscles. However, strength training is beneficial for everyone as it strengthens and conditions the entire musculoskeletal system. And did you know that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn? But remember that muscle also weighs more so when you strength train, you may notice that you gain some weight.

Strength training produces basically two results: muscle toning and bodybuilding. Activity, duration and intensity all affect which result is attained. For muscle toning: do more sets of higher repetitions at a lower weight. For muscle building: do fewer sets of lower repetitions at a higher weight.

For best results, strength training should be performed 2-3 days a week and involve all of the major muscle groups. If you do work out on consecutive days, DO NOT work the same muscle groups on those days. Also, always remember to warm up for about 5 minutes with an activity such as walking to warm up your muscles. As you work each muscle group, be very conscious of your form and your breathing. And after your workout, be sure to cool down with activities such as stretching.

What will strength training do for me?
- Increase muscle size and tone
- Increase strength
- Increase physical performance
- Increase metabolic efficiency
- Reduce risk of injury
- Increase mental well-being

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