Monday, November 23, 2009

50 Great Reasons to Exercise

1. Exercise is energizing.
2. It leaves you with a natural high.
3. It's one of the best things you can do for your health.
4. Every little bit counts.
5. Regular exercise will dramatically lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses.
6. Regular exercise can lower your blood pressure.
7. Aerobic exercise (like brisk walking or biking) can lower "bad" cholesterol.
8. Exercise can raise your "good" cholesterol.
9. Exercise reduces the risk of diabetes.
10. With regular exercise, you may like longer.
11. You may live healthier.
12. You'll build stronger bones.
13. It helps prevent osteoporosis.
14. Your back will be happier.
15. Your joints will appreciate it.
16. You'll get stronger.
17. You'll build muscle.
18. You'll use more calories.
19. As your muscles grow bigger, you'll burn more calories sitting still.
20. Exercise burns fat.
21. It will help you maintain a healthy weight.
22. It can help you lose weight.
23. It's cheaper than buying a new wardrobe.
24. You'll be getting into shape.
25. Your self-esteem and confidence may improve.
26. You'll look your best.
27. You'll feel your best.
28. It'll lift your mood.
29. It's a natural "anti-depressant".
30. Doctors recommend it.
31. The Surgeon General recommends it.
32. It'll help you look and feel younger.
33. Walking, jogging, biking, and other aerobic exercises will strengthen your heart.
34. Stretching will keep you limber.
35. Stretching releases tension.
36. It can help you relax.
37. Exercise is a great stress buster.
38. People who exercise regularly tend to get sick less often.
39. You'll be fighting against colds and flu.
40. It may help you get to sleep faster--and sleep better!
41. It'll help you age gracefully.
42. You've got to use it or lose it.
43. It's a fun way to spend time with family and friends.
44. It's a nice way to spend time alone.
45. Exercise can be play.
46. You can do it at home, in a park, or in a gym.
47. You can play sports and watch them on TV.
48. Gardening, housework, and dancing all count.
49. Exercise can improve your quality of life.
50. It's never too late to get into shape.

*Journeyworks Publishing

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